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Welcome to the Sierra Nevada Wildflower web site!

We provide a place to share our interest in the beauty and diversity of wildflowers found in these lovely mountains. As a secondary objective, we will be able to share our love of photography as it applies to capturing the images of the many wildflowers of our region. We invite you to join us by sharing your images and posting your comments about the information on this site. Warning! We are not experts, but hobbyists, and are learning as we go, so your comments and corrections are important to us. We hope this site becomes a resource for you, and although it is not yet a field manual, perhaps some day...

Flower of the Hour
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As the name suggests, this plant is found in wet areas. The erect stems reach 6 to 18 inches. The stems are thick to support the many yellow flowers. These flowers are composed of narrow, pointed petals and sepals which are identical in appearance. The 6 yellow stamens are hairy and tipped with an orange anther. The leaves are mostly basal, thin and grass-like.

Common Name: Bog Asphodel
Scientific Name: Narthecium californicum
Family: Lily
Color: Yellow
Author: Columbine Kid

Sierra Wildflowers
Site design by Ben Botto.